I have decided to change up this blog a little bit, as in change the idea. Before, this blog was about horror films and stuff. I have not really found anything to blog about lately in this subject, and if I kept the blog the way it was it probably wouldn't get anymore views. Yep, and that's not something I want to happen. That is the last thing I want to happen.
So, I'm changing the subject of horror film to just...everything horror. This means that I will be posting about horror books, stories, video-games, pictures, videos, film, songs, instrumental horror themes, and everything...horror! That's the best I can explain it. I might even keep you updated on the poetry I write, as long as it isn't stolen. I will upload some poems here that I have written, as some of them are...dark.
So, that's basically it! Oh, did I mention that there will be horror paintings? Sorry, but I love horror paintings. Always have. Art can capture things that words or film can't. See those paintings up there ^? I love them, because they are from a...nightmare that can not be explained. When you have a bad dream that's so surrel and when you wake up you can;t remember the full thing or what really was happening, these paintings are like that. It's disturbing and scary and bloody...and so astonishing. You probably think I am a disturbed human being because I am saying this but...horror amazes me! It expresses the authour/painter/musicians/etc's true feeling of what horror is, because ever author has his own distinct type of horror (Edgar Allen Poe = madness and horror of the mind, Stephen King = horror withing small town, etc).
So, back to the point. I hope you enjoy my newly updated blog and I hope you are continually updated on my posts.
Bloggers beware....your in for a scareeee...
Mua ah ah ah ahhhh!
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